What does legal operations do?

Simply put, the goal of legal operations is to increase productivity and efficiency in the legal department and drive value for the entire business.  Legal ops takes advantage of sophisticated legal technology to automate time-consuming legal tasks and support cross-functional collaboration.

The specific tasks that legal ops does depend on your business’ needs, but here are some examples of what legal operations does for the business (and how to use technology to do it).

Enable better collaboration with legal

Legal teams that work in a silo and/or depend on manual processes probably also struggle to collaborate efficiently with other business units.  Using legal technology, legal ops opens up the lines of communication between legal and the rest of the business. This helps them build workflows that improve visibility and timely execution of tasks.

Automate tiresome tasks

A lot of legal’s work involves researching, writing, and editing. These tasks take forever, and keep lawyers in the weeds when a more strategic approach is needed.  One of legal ops’ first orders of business is to understand what lawyers spend their time on and what kind of support they need to do their jobs. Knowing this, legal ops can evaluate and onboard legal technology that automates the important but intensive tasks.

Use contract data to improve performance

Without technology, legal teams are left to collect data manually, usually by combing through emails, scrolling through multiple Slack channels, and poring over spreadsheets. As legal ops introduces technology to the team, legal is better equipped to track data inside your contracts. This allows you to understand the health of your customer base, risks within your agreements, and overall team performance. 

Contract lifecycle management

Contract lifecycle management (CLM) automates the contract process and streamlines workflows to execute contracts faster. Plus, CLM like LinkSquares comes equipped with AI contract analytics and a legal metrics dashboard to help your team measure success.


Manual signatures waste paper and waste legal’s time. With eSignature, legal teams can collect signatures faster using a digitally-native solution that is easily accessible to all contract stakeholders.

From New Hire to High Performer: The Legal Operations Manager’s Guide to the First 90 Days

From New Hire to High Performer:

The Legal Operations Manager’s Guide to the First 90 Days