Screenshot of outside vendor MSA

Accelerate your third-party review process.

Review third-party contracts using the same review process as your own agreements. Automate the first pass of your review with AI. Track every turn of your contracts in a centralized contract drafting tool that’s here to make your work easy peasy.

Get Finalize

De-risk your third-party agreements.

LinkSquares allows you to search and categorize every agreement—including non-standard clauses often found in third-party agreements— in your repository, so you can identify the risks and liabilities in every deal.

Screenshot of LinkSquares Analyze
Saved clauses in the Clause Library product

Save preferred language for faster drafting and negotiations.

With the LinkSquares, your legal team can save clauses they like from third-party contracts for future use. Contract creation goes faster. Partner negotiations get easier.

See Clause Library

agreement terms

Want to learn more?

  • Check out our product features.
  • Schedule a personal demo.
  • Request a pricing quote.

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