A contracting process you can look forward to.

With high-volume contracting, get ready to turn manual processes into a smooth operation by collaborating with legal and keeping your time and patience intact. With LinkSquares partnering has never been easier.

What can your team solve with LinkSquares?

(The better question is: What can’t it?)

Crisis management Icon

Crisis management

Centralize your contract management procedures, write smarter agreements, and get instant access to critical data. Life is chaos; your CLM doesn’t have to be.

Contract review icon

Contract review

Simplify your review process by having all things related to contract management in one place that can scale along with your team. No more toggling between tools, version control nightmares, and chasing down John Hancocks – just time to focus on the important stuff.

Contract storage Icon

Contract storage

Extract insights, build reports, and collaborate seamlessly in a single centralized contract repository powered by AI. It’s the future of contract storage, and it’s awesome.

Data privacy & compliance icon

Data privacy & compliance

Run automated reports on relevant contract clauses. Respond faster to data breaches by instantly summarizing your contractual obligations. Maintain one set of data privacy-specific language with the LinkSquares Clause Library. Boom, crisis averted.

Deal acceleration icon

Deal acceleration

Streamline your contract process, accelerate deals, and avoid sales disruptions. Draft, review, and approve new agreements with ease. Legal and bottleneck will never be in the same sentence again.

Fundraising M&A ICON

Fundraising and M&A

Whether you’re a buyer, a seller, or something in between, LinkSquares gives you fast, comprehensive access to need-to-know info for disclosures and due diligence.

third party paper management icon

Third-party paper management

Effortlessly draft, track, and store third-party agreements alongside first-party contracts for better visibility and efficiency. It shouldn’t be this easy, but it is.

Department page procurement man

Take it from us – we don’t just work at LinkSquares, we’re also clients.

Actually, take it from our other customers…

Let's go
"Procurement teams need to be in the loop on contract progress. With LinkSquares' centralized CLM software, updates happen in real time and in one place so I'm always in the know."
Sunil Berry Headshot
-- Sunil Berry , LinkSquares

Want to learn more?

Check out this content

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eBook: Legal, Procurement, and the Power of Better Partnership
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Workflows for Better Collaboration Between Legal, Finance, and Procurement
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Why eSignature Is Crucial to the Contracting Process
Why eSignature Is Crucial to the Contracting Process
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linksquares cloud image

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