LinkSquares Sign is LinkSquares native signature solution.
If customers have finalized our pre signature workflow solution, we connect natively to that. So for example, once an agreement is fully approved and ready to be sent to Signature, we can connect directly to LinkSquares Sign from this workflow. So this takes the approved fully, the fully approved version and can send directly to LinkSquares Sign from here. LinkSquares also offers a sign hub.
So if I toggle over to our sign hub, this allows for customers to manage all their signature requests or initiate a net new request.
So let's say we are initiating a net new signature request. I can grab an agreement from my desktop to upload to start the signing process.
I can start this here, and you'll see here it allows me to either request signatures in bulk or just this particular agreement, which I can rename as well.
Links were assigned will pull up the PDF of the agreement that is being sent to signature.
So you'll see here, we pull up the PDF and then we allow the sender to actually input the recipients here. So this is an example agreement that I'm going to sign. You'll see here on the right hand side, I can add those recipients. So I'll add myself. You can add the counterparty signatory. You can have them be optional signatories or required.
And then of course you can add an additional message that will be sent to them as well.
If we do have multiple signatories, which I can show here just to showcase, we can make it an ordered process. So if the counterparty signs before internal signatory up to your process, you can have that be ordered.
We also can set the fields that the signatory will receive. So again, for our internal signatory, we can have the signature block, initials, name, title, date, field, etcetera, but we also have the ability to set that for the counterparty so that when they are tasked with signing the agreement, they have their fields to fill out as well.
Once I send that request, that email is sent out. So the signatories receive an email from LinkSquares Sign saying, please sign this agreement. They're able to click that link, access LinkSquares Sign, and then sign the agreement.
All the while within LinkSquares for internal users, you have visibility and tracking of the status of the agreement. So you can see that it has been sent out for signature. You can see that zero of two has signed, and we actually audit and track when that signature process has occurred. So, again, even when the agreement is fully signed, we track that. We pull in that version back into the system so you can see the actual executed agreement. And if our customers use analyze as well, we have a way to automatically push that signed agreement into the repository to store it when it is fully executed.